Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My First Blog

Baby Shower Cake for Haleigh

Baby Shower Cake for Legend

My kids make me laugh. I couldn't begin to describe the joy or the stress for which they are responsible. We became a family by a very non-traditional route. I want to share the beauty of the broken road with the kids by capturing some of the memories I want them to have forever.
I couldn't decide quite where to begin. I decided to start with one of my favorite memories of the kids. The cakes pictured were from the baby shower that was given to me at work. I am a very positive person and I take the good with the bad. During the period of my life in which I was trying to achieve pregnancy I attended many baby showers. After the termination hearing for HaLeigh and Legend in February of 2010 and after the judge had DHS contact me and tell me he had terminated the parental rights and had approved the adoption proceedings my co-workers gave me a baby shower. It was touching and marked a turning point in life where what I had longed for was becoming a reality. What I realized from failed attempts at pregnancy is that no matter who a person is a pregnancy only lasts around nine months. Being mommy lasts the rest of your life. Even though I didn't carry my children in my womb I still get to be mommy the rest of my life. I'll just consider myself blessed.

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